Courses in English

Information for Foreign Students.

At the present time two Masters of Science are fully offered in English at our School.

Erasmus Mundus MSc in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resource Management

MSc Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry Erasmus Mundus - SEE Forestry


Code Subjects Instructor ECTS Semester
111001 ST in mapping and monitoring forest natural resources  C. Vega 3 1st
111002 ST in spatial statistics
 C. Comas 3 1st
111003 ST in methods in hazard analysis and risk assessment M. Rodrigues 3 1st
111004 ST in global environmental change  L. Coll 3 1st
111005 ST in precision forestry T. Cervera 3 1st
111006 ST in multi-scale forest dynamics models L. Coll 5 1st
111007 ST in GHG: Nitrogen and Carbon dynamics M.T. Sebastia 5 1st
111008 ST in Landscape Ecology and Biological Connectivity C. Vega 5 1st
111009 ST in Biodiversity and Ecology L. Serrano 5 1st
111010 ST in Disturbance Ecology and Forest Health V. Resco 5 1st
111011 ST in Resource Management and Planning for Ecosystem Services F. Casals 5 1st
111012 ST in Decision Support Systems for Resource Management L. Coll 3 1st
111013 ST in Forest Research & Development A. Améztegui 3 1st
111014 ST in Bio-economy and Principles of Environmental sustainability A. Colom 3 1st
111015 ST in Markets and Payments for Ecosystem Services A. Colom 3 1st
111016 ST in European Resource Economics and Policy R.M. Florensa 3 1st




Code Subjects Instructor ECTS Semester
11370 Design and Analysis of Experiments  J. Voltas 5 2nd
 I. Romagosa
11371 Green Engineering in Forest Industries
 C. Iglesias 2,5 1st
11372 Range resources in the Iberian Peninsula Dra. R. Fanlo  2 2nd
11373 Wildlife, Fish & Game Management  F. Casals 5 2nd
11374 Mediterranean Forest Management  J.A. Bonet 5 1st
 C. Colinas
 M. Aguilera 
11375 Mediterranean Landscape Ecology & Planning  C. Vega 5 2nd
  S. Saura (*1)
 F. Galiana
 M. Vallés (*2)
11376 Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing  J.A. Martínez Casasnovas 3 1st
11377 Forest Health

 C. Colinas

C. Gemeno

5 1st
11378 Environmental Impact Asessment in Forestry Operations and Industries  J. Alcázar 2,5 1st
11379 Methods and approaches of social research in environmental management

 G. Domínguez

J. A. Bonet(*3)

2 1st
11380 Measurements and control in ecophysiology  Joan Costa 3 2nd
Jorge Lampurlanès 
11381 Forest Physiology  L. Serrano 3 1st
 M. Aguilera
11382 Mediterranean Forest Products: Building with Wood, Living with Wood, Wood in Transport & Packaging, Cork  J. Vicente Oliver (*2) 3 2nd
11383 Trends of forestry in a global change context  J.A. Bonet 3 1st
 P. Ferrio
C. Colinas
V. Resco
11384 River Rehabilitation and Restoration  F. Martínez Capel (*2) 2 2nd
 J. Alcázar
11385 Surface Hydrology and Soil Conservation  R. Poch  5 2nd
 C. Balasch
11386 Techniques and improvement in forest restoration programs  Antonio D. Campo (*2) 2 2nd
11387 Special Topics in Ecology  L. Serrano 3 1st-2nd
11388 Special Topics in Silviculture  J.A. Bonet 3 1st
11389 Forestry sector in Catalonia  J.A. Bonet 4 2nd
11390 Cultural and Social Integration Juan Carlos Mercader 3 1st
11391 Catalan for Beginners (A1 level) Agnès Rius 3 1st-2nd
Teresa Fontanet
11392 Catalan for Beginners (A2 level) Agnès Rius 5 1st-2nd
Teresa Fontanet
11393 Spanish Course for Foreigners (A1 level) Isabel Pons 3,5 1st-2nd
Beatriz Borrallo
11394 Spanish Course for Foreigners (A2 level) Isabel Pons 3,5 1st-2nd
Beatriz Borrallo
11395 Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and the provisioning of goods and services under global change Teresa Sebastià 6 2nd
11396 Forest Governance and Mediterranean Forests E. Rojas 2 1st
(*1) In cooperation with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
(*2) In cooperation with Universidad Politècnica de València (UPV)
(*3) In cooperation with Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC)
(*4) In cooperation with Centre de Recerca Ecològica I Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF)
Code Subjects Instructor ECTS Semester
100303 Animal Anatomy II  Pere-Miquel Pares 6 2nd
101612 Bioinformatics R. Alves 6 1st
100336 Animal Biotechnology  R. Pena 6 1st
101632 Animal Breeding and Reproduction R. Pena 6 2nd
102472 Meteorology Applied to the Environment  F. Castellví 6 2nd
100383 Parasitology  G. Mentaberre 3 1st
101621 Plant Biotechnology  L. Bassié 6 1st
101642 Plant Tissue Culture in Biotechnology A. Pelacho 6 1st
101631 Production and Animal Health  G. Mentaberre 6 1st
102555 Swine Production J. Álvarez 6 2nd
11446 Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper G. Slafer 5 1st
Code Subjects   ECTS  
11922 Sustainable forest management in the boreal forest: the role of fire   3  
11924 Forest Health and Diseases   5  

This offer may vary from one year to another.

Apart from the subjects above, students can carry out other subjects that are tipically taught in Spanish or Catalan, and get information and tutoring in English, as well as do their exams in English.

As a rule, students have the right to express themselves during the lessons, do the essays, carry out the practices or/and do the exams also in English as long as they communicate their need to do so to their professors at the beginning of the lessons.

Thesis are a usual choice also among foreign students, and most academic staff are prepared to carry out a thesis supervision in English. The range of subjects cater for all the areas that our campus specialises in: agronomy, environmental sciences, forestry, civil engineering related to agriculture and forestry, food science and technology, biotechnology.

At the present time we have a number of ERASMUS students who are successfully carrying out studies here without a real knowledge of Spanish or Catalan, although they have also joined language courses which help make their study period in Lleida more profitable from a linguistic point of view.