
Academic placement is a regulated, official teaching activity whose fundamental function is to contribute to the integral training of students. Through the development of an academic work program in a company or institution, the student applies the knowledge and skills acquired during their education in a professional setting within the training objectives of their degree or master's degree.

Academic placement can be of two types:

Curricular academic placement specifically established as such in the syllabus of each degree or master's degree program and, consequently, with academic recognition. The information of this type of practices for each degree or master’s is detailed in the corresponding degree web pages.


Degree in Biotechnology – Carlos Rey

Degree in Food Science and Technology – Nàdia Ortega

Degree in Agricultural and Food Engineering – Astrid Ballesta

Degree in Forest Engineering – Raúl López
Double Degree in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science and Production – Ramon Armengol
Double Degree in Forest Engineering and Nature Conservation – Raúl López

Master's Degree in Agronomic Engineering – Astrid Ballesta
Master's in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry - Salvador Garza Garza
Wildland Fire. Science and Integrative Management MSc - Domingo Molina Terrén

Extracurricular academic placement is not specifically included in the syllabus of official master's degree programs. The student carries out this placement voluntarily during the studies. Placements pursue the same training objective as the curricular practices; however, the regulations of extracurricular placements are not the same as for curricular placements. In order to carry out extracurricular academic placements, students must be enrolled during the year in which the placements are carried out and must have achieved 50% of the total number of credits required to obtain the degree at the time of starting the extracurricular placement. A cooperation agreement between the company and the University is necessary, and a training program must be designed and supervised by the School’s academic coordinator. The duration of the extracurricular placement must not exceed 750 hours - fifty percent of the academic year -, and it must be compatible with the education in which the student is enrolled.

The extracurricular placement can be carried out in companies proposed by the student. For more information, see this link.

Extracurricular placement contact persons:

Responsible persons

Montse Gómez

Tel. +34 973 70 2501

Teresa López

Tel. +34 973 70 2514

Academic Coordinator

Romi Pena

Tel. 973 70 2918