Subjects in English

Code Subjects Instructor ECTS Semester
11370 Design and Analysis of Experiments  J. Voltas 5 Not offered in 2024-25
 I. Romagosa
11372 Range resources in the Iberian Peninsula Josu Gonzalez 2 1st
11373 Wildlife, Fish & Game Management  F. Casals 5 2nd
11374 Mediterranean Forest Management  J.A. Bonet 5 1st
 C. Colinas
 M. Aguilera 
11375 Mediterranean Landscape Ecology & Planning  C. Vega 5 Not offered in 2024-25
11376 Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing  J.A. Martínez Casasnovas 3 1st
11377 Forest Health

Jonas Oliva

5 1st
11378 Environmental Impact Asessment in Forestry Operations and Industries
 MR. Teira 2,5 1st
11379 Methods and approaches of social research in environmental management

 J. A. Bonet

2 1st
11380 Measurements and control in ecophysiology Roxana Savin 3 2nd
11381 Forest Physiology  L. Serrano 3 1st
 M. Aguilera
11382 Mediterranean Forest Products: Building with Wood, Living with Wood, Wood in Transport & Packaging, Cork M. Aguilera (*2) 3 2nd
11383 Trends of forestry in a global change context  Luciana Andrea Jaime 3 1st
11384 River Rehabilitation and Restoration  D. Vericat 2 2nd
11385 Surface Hydrology and Soil Conservation  R. Poch  5 Not offered in 2024-25
 C. Balasch
11386 Techniques and improvement in forest restoration programs  S. de Miguel (*2) 2 Not offered in 2024-25
11387 Special Topics in Ecology  L. Serrano 3 1st-2nd
11388 Special Topics in Silviculture S. de Miguel 3 Not offered in 2024-25
11389 Forestry sector in Catalonia  S. de Miguel 4 Not offered in 2024-25
11390 Cultural and Social Integration S. de Miguel 3 1st
11395 Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and the provisioning of goods and services under global change J.A Bonet i Teresa Sebastià 6 Not offered in 2024-25
11396 Forest Governance and Mediterranean Forests J Antonio Bonet 2 1st
 11441 Pastoral uses of Mediterranean forestry surfaces: A fire prevention tool M T Sebastià 3 1st
 11442 Special Topics in effects of fire on soil sciences José Ramon Olarieta 3 1st
 11443 Prescribed Fire Laboratory Domingo Molina 6 1st
 11444 Remote sensing of Forest Fires José Antonio Martínez 3 1st
 11445 Principles of Wildland Fire Science and Management Marc Castellnou 5 1st
 11446 Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper Gustavo Slafer 5 1st
(*1) In cooperation with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
(*2) In cooperation with Universidad Politècnica de València (UPV)
(*3) In cooperation with Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC)
(*4) In cooperation with Centre de Recerca Ecològica I Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF)


Code Subjects Instructor ECTS Semester
101612 Bioinformatics R. Alves 6 1st
100336 Animal Biotechnology  R. Pena 6 1st
101632 Animal Breeding and Reproduction R. Pena 6 2nd
101621 Plant Biotechnology  L. Bassié 6 1st
101642 Plant Tissue Culture in Biotechnology A. Pelacho 6 1st
101631 Production and Animal Health  E. Rojas 6 1st
11446 Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper G. Slafer 5 1st
100383 Parasitology G. Mentaberre 3 1st
102473 Statistical Methods and Forest Modelling S. de Miguel 6 1st